Cara Nemchek - cara blog family celebrating

Snowball of Success: 5 Things To Do After Reading with Your Child

You and your child just had an AMAZING time reading together! Woohoo! 🙌

You took turns, your child read willingly, they sounded out when they were able to and asked for help when they needed it. No struggle or fight in sight. It was pure magic!

Bravo to both of you for all the effort and patience that takes. Seriously, way to go! 👏

And yet, deep down you’re worried because it was a total unicorn of an experience – the one and only time this has ever happened – and you’re doubtful it will ever happen again.

Luckily, there are things you can do right after reading that will help keep up the momentum and start building what I like to call a “snowball of success”.

As one of my favorite teachers says, “The better it gets, the better it gets”.

It can keep getting better and better from here. It just takes being intentional about a few things to keep the positive momentum going.

So next time you have an awesome reading session with your child, try doing one or all of these things right after:

So next time you have a great reading session with your child, try keeping the positive momentum going with these steps!

And keep in mind, you can always find ONE thing to celebrate even if it wasn’t the most stellar session over all. If you need tips on what you can do before reading to set your child up for success, I’ve got you.

No matter how today’s reading went, challenge yourself to celebrate one thing your child did right. Even if it was just calming down and letting you read to them after a meltdown. Express some gratitude and praise the effort it took to get back to baseline.

There’s always something to celebrate! I’d love to hear how it goes! Share in the comments below.

And if reading is feeling anything but joyful at the moment, you need to learn how to take the struggle out of reading at home. In just 30 minutes, I’ll show you how to move from meltdowns and power struggles to connection, ease, and fun. Learn more and start shifting the needle with your child now!

Remember, reading is meant to feel good.

Cheering you on!


Cara Nemchek - cara signature post signoff2

Hi! I’m Cara

I’m a reading specialist and parent coach. I show you how to take the struggle out of reading at home.

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