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Feel Good First: 5 Things To Do Before Reading with Your Child

Let’s face it, reading at home can be a struggle. You have the perfect book picked out: one that your child is excited about and you know they can read; they’re eager and willing to sit and read with you at the beginning — and yet the minute it comes to their turn to read, you watch as the whole experience devolves into bargaining, power struggles, and refusal.

But you know they can read aloud, so what happened?

In short: reading in front of you can feel like a performance. One that’s steeped in pressure and anxiety. And being put on the spot in that way doesn’t feel good for anybody.

Plus, if your child is just starting to read on their own, their brain has to put a lot of effort into getting the words off the page, which is a drastically different experience than relaxing and enjoying the story.

If “their turn” always feels like effort and performance, it’s not going to feel good.

Luckily, there are things you can do BEFORE you read together to help the whole experience feel like a celebration of them reading.

If you help your child feel good first, tell them what to expect, and put them in control of setting up an exciting, cozy, and comfortable experience, they’ll be way more willing to try.

So next time you want your child to read to you, try taking one or all of these steps first:

And if you’ve done all of these and want to try a bonus step that makes a huge difference:

These steps are simple, but powerful. And if you like these, check out 5 equally as powerful things you can do after you read.

I can’t wait to hear how these tools transform your experience. Practice feeling good first, then share how it goes in the comments below!

And if reading is feeling anything but joyful at the moment, you need to learn how to take the struggle out of reading at home. In just 30 minutes, I’ll show you how to move from meltdowns and power struggles to connection, ease, and fun. Learn more and start shifting the needle with your child now!

Remember, reading is meant to feel good.

Cheering you on!


Cara Nemchek - cara signature post signoff2

Hi! I’m Cara

I’m a reading specialist and parent coach. I show you how to take the struggle out of reading at home.

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